The busy fall season continues for TRB and this past weekend was no exception. TRB‘s sister, Laura, celebrated her “quarter-life crisis” (a.k.a. 25th birthday) with a bang — a party with friends at PS 450 in Manhattan on Saturday night and a family surprise party at home on Sunday. Of course, the occasion called for some homemade baked goods courtesy of TRB.
Since TRB has been cookie-happy lately in honor of her sister Crista’s recent engagement, a change of pace was in order. And, what better way to celebrate a milestone birthday than with oooey gooey chocolate-y brownies? (Really, TRB can’t think of a better way, well, except maybe for some pecan pie, but we digress. More on that to come around Thanksgiving…)
Getting back to the celebration, TRB has been aspiring to improve on a old favorite brownie recipe and came across this yummy one for Dark Chocolate Brownies with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting on Facebook.
Admittedly, TRB isn’t a fan of orange in any context — juice, fruit, color or flavor. But, the brownie portion of the recipe definitely seemed to be a fit. And, since TRB‘s coffee frosting is practically legendary in NY and NJ, it seemed the perfect way to top this one off.

For those brownie purist party-goers, TRB decided to leave some plain.

How do you like your brownies? Comment on Facebook: The Rescue Baker or Twitter: @TheRescueBaker.
Think you’ll try this recipe for *your* next special occasion? Let us know how it turned out! Post a comment below.
Yum! The brownies look delicious. So much chocolate…it calls to me.
Thank you! Hope you will try the recipe – they were delish!