The *Healthy* Baker?

Posted by & filed under the lighter side.

TRBLooking at photos from some family celebrations over the past few weekends has me thinking that it’s time to modify my diet and exercise plan to lose about 20lbs – to be more “healthy,” of course.

I realize that committing to a diet is going to put a real damper on one of my greatest passions in life – baking. But before I pick up the phone and call Jenny, I’ve decided to embark on a mission to create and / or find healthy recipes for some of my favorite sweet treats that actually taste GOOD.

This is where you, dear TRB readers, come in…

Send me your gluten-free, dairy-free, butter substitute laden recipes, and I’ll pick one to test and recommend on TRB. Here’s the catch – I do not bake with artificial sweeteners – aka, Splenda, Equal, etc. (Stevia, fruit juices and other natural substitutes are acceptable, though).

Are you up for the challenge? Send your submissions to: 

Good luck!

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