The Lighter Side: Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

January typically signals a few things: A new beginning in a new year, cold weather (at least here in the Northeast), and, oh yes, resolutions. Like most everyone else, I’m trying to eat healthier and cook more. Now, that may sound odd because I obviously bake often, but I don’t always have time to prepare… more »

The Lighter Side: Oatmeal Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies

Well, kids, there’s no denying it. Bikini season is here. And, as my inspirational cardio kickboxing instructor says, “No one wants to wear a one-piece! Not even me!” He’s right, you know.  With that in mind, TRB has been on the hunt for dessert recipes to keep your sweet tooth satisfied and your waistline whittled. (Although, the… more »

The Lighter Side: Savory Spinach and Sundried Tomato Frittata

TRB is trying something a little different. Instead of the usual sweet treats, it’s time for a savory, but lighter dish. In the spirit of cutting calories, fat and cholesterol, but still using high quality, nutritious ingredients, here’s an adapted version of a recipe that originally appeared in Food Network’s January 2011 issue. By choosing… more »

The Lighter Side: Pistachio Lemon Drops

As faithful readers know, TRB has been on a “quest” of sorts lately for recipes that not only taste good, but are good for you too. While recently flipping through Martha Stewart’s Cookies book (arguably, the “bible” of cookie baking), TRB stumbled upon the perfect “light” recipe: Pistachio Lemon Drops. Gooey, yet crunchy, these cookies make… more »

Healthy Like Sunday Morning: Banana Bread

Having a bowl of Kashi for breakfast is a great way to start the day. But, then there are times when you just want something with a little more comfort-laden “oomph” — a muffin, a scone or (gasp!) even a donut. This Sunday was one of those days for TRB. Sticking to her 2011 resolution… more »